

Texture Layers


Texture Layers for 3dsmax 2012 - 2015.

Source Code

In collaboration with maxplugins.de, Mankua has released the source code of TextureLayers, PowerStamper, UVWFrame and Stress as open source.
Texture Layers source code at github.com/Mankua/stress.


Texture Layers Gallery

New features in Texture Layers 2.0

The mapping channels from TexLay1 have been transformed into mapping groups in TexLay2.

Multiple mapping groups can be applied to a single uvw channel. Using face selection the user can create very complex mapping channels composed of an unlimited number of groups.

A new Pelt mapping system has been added to TexLay2. (Pelt Mapping maps an object to a Planar map by stretching the object to a virtual frame).

Every vertex in the object (or selection) has a spring that determines how much it should stretch in relation to it's neighboring vertices.

The Free Form mapping has been completely rebuilt and it's now a more reliable and powerful mapping method.

For Spline Mapping a new Belt option has been added. The Belt option creates spline mapping channels that are planar like a road or a belt.

Frame Mapping: a new type of mapping has been added. It allows the user to pick any object from the scene and use it as his UVW Mesh (like an Unwrap UVW type where the user can use any modifier or space warp he wants to).

A new extended viewport has been added to TexLay. The UVViewport lets the user pick sets of objects and view their uvw in a 3dsmax viewport interactively. Any modification made to the object in its UV channel updates the UVViewport.

A new mapping type UVW Data has been added. This mapping type lets the user lock any mapping groups to avoid accidental changes.

A new set of controls have been added to allow the user to organize the different mapping chunks inside a mapping channel.


With Texture Layer you will be able to keep and animate all your mapping channels in just one modifier, including its own sub-object face/patch selection. You can copy, cut, paste, save and load mapping channels inside the same modifier, or from one modifier to another.

mapping techniques are fine for objects like boxes, spheres or cylinders. But even a simple procedural object like the torus is almost impossible to map with traditional mapping techniques, without mentioning more complex models - like the kind of models you work with every day -. Here is where TexLay fills the gap with its two procedural mapping types, Spline Mapping and Free Form Mapping.